Inqaba Yethu Income Protection and Membership Reward

Inqaba Yethu is an income protection plan that protects members from their plight of losing substantial and necessary income during industrial action. The product protects each member during an industrial action campaign, it provides immediate income on a sliding scale basis for each member on the program.

Whether you are salaried weekly, fortnightly or monthly, Inqaba Yethu will cover the days and hours missed at work as a result of a unified decision to down tools for the betterment of our livelihoods in the working environment.

Cover protects against:




National Industrial Action



Sectorial Industrial Action



Regional Industrial Action



Company Specific Industrial Action

Due to the difficulty of negotiating with White Monopoly Capital, insurance companies have been fearful to cover members over a strike and/or industrial action. Despite the fact that the right to protest and take industrial action is enshrined in our democratic constitution and therefore should be protected by all means possible, even protecting members against loss of income during an industrial action campaign.

This type of protection would be the first of its kind, and it will be structured with parties that are all black owned and managed, as they understand fully the comprehension of protecting worker’s rights and their fight against unfair labour practices. Numsa has identified this as a core requirement in extending its mandate and building a sustainable working class through a body of products that can defend the legal action of members within the union. We anticipate that more Unions will recognize this important fact, that all members must be protected against unfair labour practices that seek to disadvantage our people from obtaining their hard earned salaries.


Get In Touch

    +27 11 578 5333

    Support Number